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Es soll tiefer gehen? Es gibt Pitch Decks, Finanzpläne oder KPI-Frameworks zu erarbeiten? Oder wird ein Crash-Kurs gebraucht, um bald mit Investoren zu verhandeln? Ich habe die richtigen Workshop-Formate!

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Speaker & Coach

Ruth Cremer

Eins hat zum anderen geführt. Diplom-Mathematikern, ehemaliger Investment Manager, Hochschuldozentin, Beraterin von: “Die Höhle der Löwen”: Meine Leidenschaft für Innovationen und Startups hat mich bisher schon mit weit mehr als 1000 Startups - und auch vielen Investoren - arbeiten lassen, weltweit. Ich habe einen sehr hohen Anspruch an meine Arbeit und lege Wert auf nachhaltiges Wachstum, nicht auf oberflächliche Show-Effekte und leere Versprechen.

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    Jim Rohn

    Erfolg ist ein

    In meinen Artikeln erfährst du mehr über die Wichtigkeit von Zahlen, wenn du mit Investoren verhandelst.

    Better be Bold: The fine line of self-presentation #DHDL

    Many founders find it difficult not to openly communicate the weaknesses of their business, as things like SWOT analysis are still taught as the non-plus-ultra of management, especially in traditional business studies programmes.

    Noac: How full can a cap table be? #DHDL

    It's not just something you've heard many times on "Die Höhle der Löwen", but all other founders who have ever been looking for investors are probably familiar with the critical questions about the cap table. How many parties hold shares in the company, how many investors are there, how many founders? Investment talks can also fail if the structure is unfortunate. The start-up around the innovative surgical robotics "Noac" also had to realise that they are probably not so favourably positioned here.

    Bionic: The difficult decision of the licence business #DHDL

    In many cases, it seems clear what the best business model should look like. The product type, market, target group or the interplay of such factors often dictate at least the cornerstones from the outset. Sometimes, however, there are several options, and a decision in favour of a particular business model has a lot to do with your own values and ideas, but also with your ambitions. Just how difficult such a decision can be is demonstrated by the start-up C-bionic in "Die Höhle der Löwen".

    Gelato Pack: the importance of early numbers #DHDL

    It is by no means only in "Die Höhle der Löwen", but also outside of it, that the vast majority of start-ups find it difficult to get a major investment before they enter the market. Andreas, founder of the innovative ice cream packaging Gelato Pack, also had to learn that investors want figures, even if they are still so early. But is it really just about turnover or something completely different?

    Nutriomix: Have they done the maths without the (end) customers? #DHDL

    A complete investor pitch always includes a market slide. In "Die Höhle der Löwen", however, the market section is not part of the pitch, but has to be asked by the lions afterwards. In the case of Nutriomix, viewers were given a pretty good insight into an exciting industry. Food retail in a nutshell, so to speak.